26 Jan 2024

Vice Regal │The Advertiser

On Thursday morning, Her Excellency the Governor presided over a meeting of the Executive Council.

Afterwards, at Port Adelaide, the Governor and Mr Bunten visited the City of Adelaide Clipper Ship, as part of a series of visits to iconic South Australian destinations.

Later, at West Beach, the Governor, who is patron of the Adelaide Sailing Club, addressed the gathering at the opening ceremony for the 2024 International Laser Class Association 7 Men’s World Championships.

In the evening, at Government House, the Governor and Mr Bunten hosted a Burns supper. Guests were The Honourable Stephen Mullighan MP, Treasurer, and Mrs Antonia Mullighan; The Honourable David Speirs MP, Leader of the Opposition; Senator Andrew McLachlan CSC, Senator for South Australia, and Mrs Marcia McLachlan; Professor Colin Stirling, Vice Chancellor Flinders University, and Dr Mailys Stirling; Professor Michael Lennon, Chair, Country Arts SA, and Mrs Leonie Nowland; Mr Keith Wilson, Chair, Australian Red Cross – South Australian Division, and Ms Sheree Tirrell; Ms Kath Mainland CBE, Chief Executive, Adelaide Festival, and Mr Ray Anderson; Mr Peter Rowland, Former Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Micro-X, and Mrs Rosemary Rowland; Dr Moira Smith, Founder, and Former Managing Director, Waterfall Solutions Limited, and Mr Richard Scrase; and Ms Kirsteen Mackay, South Australian Government Architect, The Office for Design and Architecture SA.

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